Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Web 1.0 vs. 2.0: How Big is the Difference?

Last summer, our ITS cohort participated in coursework conducted entirely online. I was able to take a road trip throughout the southern United States with my fiancee, to whom I had recently become engaged, while actively participating in all assignments. Using email and Blackboard, my team and I completed a variety of projects asynchronously. I also worked with a mentor to finish individual assignments, communicating via email. Overall, there were no major issues with the completion of the coursework. Throughout, though, I wondered...

What if Web 2.0?

What if we had access to more robust web-based tools? Could Edmodo have allowed us to more seamlessly share multimedia in a clear, direct way? What are the affordances of the tools that make one better than the other?

What if we used a Pinterest-type tool for collaboration and sharing of ideas? Could something like eduClipper have been more useful for us?

What if we (in a fantasy world) all had access to iPads or other tablets and could utilize Explain Everything to compile our work and make multimedia presentations?

Whew! Lots of questions.

The bottom line is that our class was fine, if not a bit impersonal. In addition, there were limitations in terms of our ability to manage ourselves because the software to which we had access was a bit clunky. A web app like Edmodo is much easier to use, though it does not necessarily offer a greater array of features.

EduClipper could be great, but boundaries must be set and clear objectives outlined. The same goes for Explain Everything, which would significantly alter course output and dynamic.

What if Web 2.0? If Web 2.0, then the concept of the online course changes. Engagement changes. Student expectations change. Instructor expectation changes. Time will tell if learning increases.

What about Web 3.0??? The future is exciting.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you know all these other options for technology, because it allows you to really choose the tool with the best affordance for whatever your lesson is. And, like you mention, everything changes so quickly that it'll be important to stay on top of developments so we all start adding to our toolboxes.
